Recent Episodes

The Inner Game is NOT a Joke

September 1, 2021

Tom kicks off this episode with a story about Stuart Smalley — the Saturday Night Live character who made mindset work (or “the inner game”) seem like a giant joke.  But, as the name of this episode suggests, the inner game is NOT a joke.  Tom’s guest, Mary Kutheis, is all about the inner game. …

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How NOT to Damage Your Brand and Piss Off Your Customers

August 25, 2021

On the very first line of his LinkedIn profile, my guest Ted Prodromou asks “Are you auto-blasting templated messages AT your LinkedIn connections?” And if you are auto-blasting templated messages AT your LinkedIn connections, Ted offers some sage advice to you:  “STOP IT! You are damaging your brand and pissing off your connections.” Which bring…

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Action Drives Business. Inaction Kills It.

August 18, 2021

Tom kicks off this episode with a story about Leonardo DaVinci's perfection problem…before introducing his guest, Noah Mittman who is a great example of how NOT to get stuck chasing perfection. Noah is all about taking action. He’s the founder and CEO of Snowman Films. He has applied his vast knowledge to build an online…

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You Don’t Need a Greek Goddess to Conjure Great Stories

August 11, 2021

You don't need magical muse to create great things. You just need the right structure and to tap into the power within you to create. Tom's guest, Dixie Gillaspie, is all about helping people tap into their core power to achieve great things. She and Tom trade stories and discuss how to create powerful stories…

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What Would Regis Do?

August 4, 2021

OVERVIEW: Tom kicks off this episode with a story about Regis Philbin, why he was the greatest HOST ever, and what we all can learn from him to connect more effectively with prospects and clients. Michael DeLon is THE authority on BUILDING authority and credibility. Michael DeLon is known as The Credibility Creator. Michael DeLon…

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How to Delight Customers and Beat Back the Avenging Hordes

August 4, 2021

OVERVIEW Tom kicks off this episode with a story about a vengeful woman and all of the vengeful people who are ready to pounce if you fail in service delivery. His guest, Vance Morris, knows plenty about this. Vance is a Walt Disney World Resort Management Alumni He spent 10 years as a leader in…

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Information Is ALWAYS More Delicious with a Side of Entertainment

August 4, 2021

OVERVIEW Tom kicks off this episode with a story about a burger joint in Toronto that did something wildly entertaining to attract attention. That burger joint AND Tom’s guest, Dr. Pele, are all about informing AND entertaining their prospects and customers. Call it INFOtainment. Dr. Pele is a master infotainer. He and Tom discuss how…

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